Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Made To See Stampeding People, My Street

  -Do You Know Where Your Bible Is? m

     -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and eighty-one 02/15/2017 of the "week," prophecy 08/18/016, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

-Righteously Dividing The Enemy

-Like Watching Noah's Ark, "Mark 17 and 7," like the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, my prayer closet 1993, my people perish, GOH, Apb

Prophecy Links

-A Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, beware, Apb, see also

-Made to see stampeding people my street, as they're to react to either an EMP or CME, attack, explosion, 12/19/2016, local electrical company incapable, made completely helpless.., people of all ethnicity made immobile, just start walking further south eastward, beware, an end hath come, Apb,

The Triple Threat, Trump, Mountains, Bunkers, Alex Jones, Fall On Us, Hide Us see also www.thesevenvials2016.blogspot.

    -When I read incredibly unbelievable articles like this, then I ask myself, how can this be? It's as though I haven't by the Rising Above Ministry, RAM, these thirty years last spring. As an ordained watcher been forewarning earth's inhabitants, this same inconceivable thing.
     - Only now, such desolations are come, whether from heaven, from earth, or from warring man, or all of the above. Even at their worse ever, yours is a triple threat, meaning little or no chance for escape.
     -Just as Obama's appointed allotment expired, and with it Man's final call to repentance. Alternately, men of any, every statue should only be followed as they lead to an alter of performing a Meshullam Kadesh, (reconcile, be holy, see here Rom. 12:1, 2) or as Jesus Himself warn, perish. As in likeness, we the people of the intrepid dream timetable, now climatically expiring, find ourselves, like the days of forewarning prophets, it's specific time done, run out, see both President and first lady Obama, and lately a lost Miya, on Dunlap (time done lapsed), Street.
    -That I've even testified how my now ascended to heaven these four years, husband forewarn of alien dangers coming from above. How even as John witnessed the earth, allied by the heavenly bodies perform themselves their deadliest, seeing with him, how it, the heavens unfold mightily, like a scroll, here, see more here,  There's even the dream of seeing in the wilderness, Michael Clark Duncan, staged in opera, singing what could only be an Armageddon that has come!
     -All this constant reminder that we're never out of danger, not until Jesus' Wing carry us off as promised, into mansions in heaven. I'm not ashamed to admit, boy I can't wait to see all their stun faces, all in lark song singing, how it was all true. That's from the beginning, and fall on their faces in repentant, prayer.. forgive Us O God, for we have sin, see more here,
     -Here lately, stepping up warnings so dangerous and deadly, as a time table. One as of old, clearly marking American soil, for a specific day of reckoning. As I said, I have as this article, further forewarn as an Extinction Level Event happening by September 2017, again targeting millions unrepentant, thought deserving, beginning US soil.    
     -You see, when said three decades of forewarnings (pound self into the dust, guns, bombs and voting booths into alters of Christ, and Repent) went unnoticed. That's now for over three presidential elections, administrations and epidemics of wars right into counting the more.
     -just as so regarded as defiant, though not only was Obama's administration defiant, definitely on to higher heights of treason against God. Battling to bring into law, even free practice, this nation, this world what to God are abominations. Clearly this celebration of corrupt heart's soil, streets and covenant skies, the rainbow cries out of his sore eyes, what damaging and deadly flooding without end. steadily targeting millions unrepentant.
      -Just as so, sure carnival all over our streets, all the while having baptized the world into or along a beast/Antichrist system the end-time fulfillment of all bible prophecy. Henceforth, as my book character, Maaseiah Adonai, here, this mother's day of all days surrounded by her incredibly believing grands.
     -Heretofore this expert inquiry, if you are asking how can it be now, how can it be us? The all around importance of Gabriel appearance, forewarning us we're that generation, so grand Maaseiah prized an additional question, why can't it, after 2000 years be us, why can't it not be now? An end on all for corners, believe it or not is come, and millions will not escape, got Him, got repentance in Jesus, yet? The Final Awakening, Apb, The, RAM, see more here,

     -P. S. Lest you forget there is a new timetable, a voice lamenting, "six more weeks," 02/04/2017, with additional voice, 02/08/2017, lamenting "the beginning of March," around this timetable finale, again, beware, Apb

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