Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Lamb, Paradise Of God
Holiness Of The Lord Christ Jesus

From Christ’s Cross to beyond Eternity

The Holy Throne Of God
The Lamb, Paradise Of God
Holiness Of The Lord Christ Jesus

To All Churches In the Free World
TO All Churches In America


Not Every Man (Assembly) Who Call Me Lord, Lord Shall Enter In The Kingdom Of Heaven, JCON.

Stated Reason For Condemnation, For It’s Much Sin
     This is a final warning, The apostate Church (false assembly) can no longer exist as it is at present, God has given it since Christ’s ascension to convert to True Christianity (righteousness, Conversion, by Christ’s Bloody Cross, Rom. 12;1, 2), yet all it has done over the two millennium given it is all the more descend into immoral anarchy, it’s day of compete deletion has come, you have been served. Apostle, 1986-2014,
Falling In Love with God                                                                                                                                         06/20/2014
     “You Wounded Knee spark this overwhelming wakeup call in me when you replied how a church that allow people to be comfortable and or to remain comfortable in their sin should not exist because that my brothers is the church Jesus Christ nailed to His Cross.  As so is it that church being referred to when Psalms 1 declares how the Ungodly shall not stand (prosper spiritually), in the congregation of the righteous, the two edge sword remember? That this is the church that was visible when Maaseiah (the church bride) witnessed GOD with his back turn to it, falling on her knees immediately at HIM having mercy and not sacrifice, but to no prevail. This church has been condemned for its much abominations and all persons assembled like so scattered to the four wind and we’re the ones who’re going to make it known to this entire country and world.  The apostate church must die, so much so every Church door in this nation need to be shut if even for repair, and put out of business for its much sins. You are Lion Wolf talking about the burning church, you know, “but the foundation haven’t been destroyed, it can be rebuild, back upon the foundation laid by Jesus and his Holy Apostles,” (BLOOD).  I saw a ferocious beast you guys tearing and chomping through the pulpit, I saw that his mouth was filled with especially the pews swallow, it was about two, three weeks ago, a beast? Yes, and man it was vicious, and powerful and stomping and chomping everything in its path, it Wounded Knees verifies what you’re saying, don’t you see, this beast having this enormous power in the assemblies supposedly of God is a depiction of God’s Judgment upon detestable, abominable assembly without end.  This is what Maaseiah meant when Holy Spirits looking at mass assembly said, “these people need to fall in love with God,” and she in return explain to the FATHER how He especially regarding assembly in America, the free world, had to give them a reason to fall in love with HIM, meaning you guys incomprehensible trials and tribulation.   I had a young convert to verify, who stated how churches are overall about nothing but money and sex, the most perverted manners of sex have you. Wouldn’t that Apache be the beast as you say, saw tearing victoriously through this constant offer of strange fire, of monstrous, even demonic falsehood, turning the truth of God into a lie.  I can’t help but be reminded of the woman Maaseiah saw bound by three or four other woman behind this quite mesmerizing, even hypnotizing pulpit of preachers preaching, calling her by her name. That when she approached this call from the back of the church, behind a door there, the Holy Spirit with her, was there a bound woman struggling, crying and calling her, name, that the Holy Spirit said, it’s her, eyes, something is wrong with her eyes.  That when she moved to lay hands on her, for to heal her eyes, those women binding her reacted with much confusion at her replying, it’s in the bible, I Cor. 12th chapter, and the vision passed from her. Isn’t that like Jesus standing outside assembly, knocking to get inside of being the one preaching and teaching Holiness Of the Lord Father God from the pulpit? For they being ignorant (rebellious) of God’s righteousness, at going about to create their own righteousness, haven’t submitted themselves to the righteousness of God. That beast being loosed so mightily within the pulpits is to extinguish whatever manner of holiness these assemblies held, yeah but if said assembly is for the most part apostate, destroying it can only help the people not hurt, well help their souls at least, meaning this beast is a judgment more so from God at targeting Satan’s Seat. Plainly, if it doesn’t cause you pain and blood at gloriously renewing the heart and soul, this anxious outreach to the lost, then it’s not of Jesus’s Christ, as we are the church of the Martyred.” Remember, Return, REPENT!!! Beware, Apb, The RAM, 
Apostle Patricia A. Bradford, Gilmore
Apostle Patricia A. Bradford, Gilmore
The Holy Throne Of God
God The Father, Son And Holy Spirit

The Spirit and the Bride (Maaseiah), Says Come

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