Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dunlap Street, Sound The Trumpet, Americao Exodus

Dunlap Street, Blow the Trumpet In America, The American Exodus

     -The Intrepid Dream Finale, Oct. 2017, didn't single out but includes not just America, but all that western civilization surveys, all, from lest to the greatest! A triple threat of unthinkable horrors is set against it, for it's abominable lives, lands and churches. As was
forewarn of the death rider I witness come out of the earth, that the earth open and allowed it, it's way. I didn't know it at the time, over twenty years now, there was no way I could then comprehend it.
     -Though what I was seeing, possibly the fulfillment of Rev. 6, the 6th seal is undoubtedly a super volcano eruption, like a Yellowstone, that is beneath not above the earth. Surely making sense of the parody lately, the cry and I quote, of "99 bowls of molten lava," 2016, see the seven vials of Revelation 16 as well, see here. As I've testified many times, the intrepid dream timetable finale with a cataclysmic performance so enormous nearly 200 years of technology and growth was lost instantly.

     -Then to be honest, instantly is like an understatement, the speed by which all things for so many years was brought to a screeching halt was miraculous within itself, which itself was the judgment, one second you're up, the next you're down and under and clearly an enormous pestilence and Islam is come. As I been saying, this country mightily need to be lead into repentance, see, Joel, 2. A Trump, or a Clinton, like Obama, a Cameron, Etc. just won't do, repent or perish, every time the clock strike 7:17, a designed end to all things, this is what I pray, a return to God Himself, there is nothing else, awake, beware, Apb, The RAM, see
more here,

Dunlap Street, The American Exodus

     The Intrepid Dream Finale, Oct. 2017, didn't single out but includes not just America, but all that western civilization surveys, all, from lest to the greatest! A triple threat of unthinkable horrors is set against it, for it's abominable lives, lands and churches. As was forewarn of the death rider I witness come out of the earth, that the earth open and allow it, it's way. I didn't know it at the time, over twenty years now, there was no way I could then comprehend it.
     Though what I was seeing, possibly the fulfillment of Rev. 6, the 6th seal is undoubtedly a super volcano eruption, like a Yellowstone, that is beneath not above the earth. Surely making sense of the parody lately, the cry and I quote, of "99 bowls of molten lava," 2016, see the seven vials of Revelation 16 as well, see here. As I've testified many times, the intrepid dream timetable finale with a cataclysmic performance so enormous, nearly 200 years of technology and growth was lost instantly.
     -Then to be honest, instantly is like an understatement the speed by which all things for so many years was brought to a screeching halt was miraculous within itself, which itself was the judgment, one second you're up, the next you're down and under and clearly an enormous pestilence and Islam is come. As I been saying, this country mightily need to be lead into repentance, see, Joel, 2. A Trump, or a Clinton, like Obama, a Cameron, Etc. just won't do, repent or perish, every time the clock strike 7:17, a designed end to all things, this is what I pray, a return, there is nothing else, awake, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here,

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